Professional portrait of Bianca Whitehead, website designer, developer, and owner of Wild Wattle Digital, captured in a confident pose, highlighting her expertise and personal brand.

Sparking creativity and inspiring action so that it creates a meaningful impact in your life

About Wild Wattle Digital

Awe-inspiring websites, results that pack a punch

Caught in the whirlwind of website design chatter?

Had some less-than-stellar run-ins that made you side-eye the whole web design scene?

Total buzz kill, right? It’s like wading through a digital jungle out there!

But here’s where I come in – I’m on a personal mission to be the web designer you didn’t know existed – think of me as the triple-threat: supportive, transparent, and fiercely dedicated.

Whether you’re rockin’ eCommerce or serving up stellar services, one thing remains the same: my unwavering commitment to delivering results that make a splash and leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Hi! I'm Bianca

Your coffee fueled, fantasy book addict, web designer

I understand the challenges and frustrations of trying to get your website to show off your wow-factor and get you results. My mission is to help you design and build a website that doesn’t just sit pretty but oozes confidence. A website that doesn’t just exist, but makes a connection with your dream clients. A website that doesn’t just say ‘hi’, but leaves a damn good first impression.

I founded Wild Wattle Digital (previously Swift Web Services) with a burning passion to empower small businesses and give them the website they deserve. I noticed a troubling trend though – they felt lost, like just another cog in the machine. Their voices were drowned out, resulting in subpar outcomes leaving them unsatisfied, frustrated and like they’ve wasted their money. Well, not on my watch!

I made a firm decision to turn the game around. I’ve spent countless hours perfecting my skills and fine-tuning my processes to create a service that will make you feel like the rockstar you truly are. At Wild Wattle Digital, you’re not just a client – the red carpet is just for you, as if you were my only client. Your voice will be heard loud and clear, your dreams supported with unwavering enthusiasm, and together, we’ll craft a website that will leave you breathless.

Now, here’s the secret sauce: collaboration. I thrive on rolling up my sleeves and working side by side with you. I want to get to know you, your business, and what sets you apart from the pack. Your story, your values, and your unique personality will be woven into every pixel, creating a digital masterpiece that shouts, “This is who we are!”

So buckle up, buttercup! Together, we’re going to conquer the digital landscape, make waves, and leave your competition eating our dust. At Wild Wattle Digital, it’s all about you, your success, and creating a meaningful impact that will stick around long after your customers have closed their browsers.

The process

Minimalist home office setup with an open notebook and pen on a wooden desk, accompanied by a cup of coffee and books, framed by a unique blob-shape.

First Date

The fun begins with a Strategy call that’s probably going to feel like a first date (just without the flowers and candlelit dinner). During our strategy call, we’ll delve deep into the heart and soul of your business. We’ll uncover all your goals, dreams, and mind-blowing visions for your website, and together, we’ll map out a kickass strategy that guarantees your web success.

Overhead view of a person working on a laptop at a white table, framed by a distinctive white blob-shaped border, depicting a productive work session.

Design & Build

I take all the juicy bits I’ve soaked up about your business, dive into some serious research, and then the magic begins—I start crafting your ultimate, mind-blowing website. You’ll have countless opportunities to dish out your thoughts and ideas, ensuring that I whip up a website that’s a perfect match for your unique needs and ambitious goals.

A woman in a relaxed pose stretching one arm up, dressed in a chic beige blazer and brown top, symbolizing a break or relaxation, set against a clean, neutral background with a unique white blob-shaped border.

Time to go Live

Once you give the green light and officially give it your stamp of approval, we’ll hit the launch button and you pop the champagne. And don’t worry, even after our project wraps up, I won’t leave you high and dry. I’ll hand you all the tools you need to navigate your shiny new website, and I’ll still be here, ready to lend a helping hand whenever you need some support.

Ready to unleash your wow factor and attract your dream clients?

Stylized graphic of white eucalyptus leaves with two yellow round flowers on a transparent background, representing the wattle, an iconic symbol of Wild Wattle Digital's brand identity.

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